2 Jun 2010

Opening of New Exhibiton at Sawy Culture Wheel!

       (left 2 right: Me, Maha, Rana)& "Look Up"                        Me and "Nostalgia&Connection"

So, I have promised you guys the fotos of the Exhibition Opening... Well here are some of them.
But First, Let me tell you alittle about yesterday's event, since I'm still Ecstatic about it n i want you to share the Ecstasy Too xD  THE OPENING WAS AMAZING AND CRAZY! Everyone was there and Up there are some of two of Bestest Friends (Maha and Rana) who share more than Friendship with me... Birthday as well!:)
So, back to the Sakia(aka the exhibition spot) the 21 artists and their pals and their families, so Huge Hi's and Kisses were blowing everywhere! Also some of our professors shown up and... I WAS INTERVIEWED ON TV. The Satellite Egyptian Channel did an Interview wid me at the end of the day and it was really nice as well :-D
By the Time i reached home, i could barely Take me feet off to da bedroom... BUT I Would definitely DO IT AGAINNNNN!:D
Thanks to everyone who came and cared.


  1. Wass passing by, and saw your blog.. I like your work ;)

  2. Mika: thanks alot, I like ur blog too...Alot!

